Even if you've never heard CG5's music, you've probably heard of him. The musician went viral on TikTok, specifically for a short audio clip set to a simple tune where he sings "Everybody told me that I sound like CG5. Probably because I am CG5."
Across his various social media platforms, CG5 has more than 7 million followers and 2.3 million monthly listeners. Though he's been busy gearing up for his upcoming Under the Spotlight tour, CG5 took the time to answer 13 quick questions with Distractify.
What's your most-used emoji?
CG5: I love the blush emoji with the wide-open eyes (😳). I use it all the time, especially in stupid conversations that I’ll have with my friends.

Talk about the best fan interaction you've ever had.
CG5:I think any fan that I meet that says I saved their life with my music really hits differently, especially if it’s true. It makes me so happy to know I can make such a huge and important impact in their lives.
What's your favorite color?
CG5: My favorite color is pink. It’s the manliest color to ever exist, and no one can convince me otherwise.
If you could have any superpower, what would you pick?
CG5: I would pick teleportation, so I can go to every city that I need to tour in without having to fly on planes for a long time. I’m a little impatient to get to where I need to go. But aren’t we all?
What was the moment you felt like you had "made it"?
CG5: The moment I felt like I made it was my first time that I ever went to VidCon, and I was a guest there. It was crazy to have basically 95 percent of the people at the convention recognizing me wherever I went. It was almost unsafe. I think that’s when I knew for certain.
Share your top three desert-island necessities
CG5: My wife, my wife, and my wife.
Tell us about the first concert you ever attended.
CG5: I went to a benefit concert that the Jonas Brothers did when I was about 12. It was free! But I didn’t know any of their songs. That’s definitely changed recently.

Share a photo from your camera roll that makes you laugh every time you see it.
CG5: I love this picture because my wife and I are intentionally trying to look uncomfortable in this picture together.
Have you ever accidentally posted something on social media that you immediately had to delete? What was it?
CG5: So you know the sound on TikTok that goes, “Imagine if Ninja got a low taper fade?” Well, I wanted to create my own variation of that sound. So I went to the mall to get some slim taper cut Levi jeans, and I got my dad to record a video of me singing as follows: “Imagine if CG5 got some slim taper jeans.” I thought I was being hilarious, but quickly realized that it was not funny at all, just kinda awkward, so I deleted it.
What's your favorite video set to the "I'm CG5" sound you've seen?
CG5: I made my dad make a video to this sound on his own account where it’s captioned, “Everybody told me that I look like CG5’s father.” I was happy to see the video do so well for him, and it was a good bonding experience.
How does it feel to be the center of a viral TikTok trend?
CG5: I feel so cool for sounding like CG5. Probably because I am CG5! But in all seriousness, it’s really awesome to think about how so many people who have never been a fan of me just have my name engraved into their mind now because of this sound that became so annoying because of its overuse. But hey, all publicity is good publicity, that’s what they say.
Where do you get inspiration for your music?
CG5: I grew up listening to the 80s constantly, including artists such as Michael Jackson, ELO, Phil Collins, Hall & Oates, Elton John, you name it! I am an 80s connoisseur! So everything I make, I think about the catalog of music that I have collected up in my brain that mostly contains 80s stuff, and it helps me move forward in every one of my music projects very quickly.
What's your No. 1 distraction?
CG5: My wife. She is my beautiful distraction. I’m so glad I finally found her because I want her to distract me with her beauty for all eternity.