Secret Invasion
In Marvel Studios’ new series “Secret Invasion,” Nick Fury learns of a clandestine invasion of Earth by a faction of shapeshifting Skrulls. Fury and his allies, including Everett Ross, Maria Hill, and the Skrull Talos. Together, they race against the clock to save Earth and humanity.
Samuel L. Jackson again plays Nick Fury in this six-episode Marvel Studios film series along with Ben Mendelsohn as Talos.
Network: Disney+
First Episode Date: June 21, 2023
- Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury)
- Ben Mendelsohn (Talos)
- Cobie Smulders (Maria Hill)
- Olivia Colman (Special Agent Sonya Falsworth)
- Emilia Clarke (G'iah)
- Kingsley Ben-Adir (Gravik)
- Killian Scott (Pagon)
- Christopher McDonald
- Carmen Ejogo
- Christopher Goh
- Ventsislav Yankov
- Martin Freeman (Agent Everett Ross)
- Don Cheadle (Rhodey)
- Samuel Adewunmi (Beto)
- Richard Dormer (Agent Prescod)
- Uriel Emil (Poprischchin)
- Dermot Mulroney (Ritson)
- Tony Curran (Derrik)
Where to Watch: Disney+
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